Personal Data Processing, Privacy policy e Cookies

Last update 1.10.2023



The owner of this website, in accordance with Article 13 of the Federal Constitution and the federal data protection regulations, in order to respect the privacy of you as a user and to avoid any form of misuse of your personal information, limits itself to collecting the information that is essential and in anonymous form, and always takes great care and attention to protect this information against any type of violation.
Through this website we convey information about our activities and all necessary security measures are applied and maintained at the highest level of protection every time you visit these pages. In this section you can read details of what data is actually collected, whether any third-party partners are involved and what rights you can assert. This website is aligned with the New Data Protection Act nLPD in force from 1 September 2023.



This data processing declaration is in force in connection with this website. Further arrangements and details may be adopted or expressed between the owner and user if they come into contact on channels outside the site. These data protection provisions may be adjusted over time, we therefore invite users to consult this page from time to time. You will find the date of the last update at the top of the page.



The owner of this website has no control over external sites that you may link to from these pages, nor is he able to monitor external sites that lead you to this specific site. Under no circumstances can it guarantee the authenticity and security of these sites, and therefore it declines all responsibility for sites external to this one, referring the respective owners to provide information on security and data processing.


Data controller

This is the owner of the website, you will find all relevant contact details both at the bottom of the page. It is the data controller, better said responsible, of all information that is collected during the user's navigation or that arrives via online contact forms.


Technical Partner


  • Shin Design Sagl, via ai Saleggi 7, CH - 6600 Locarno
  • Kreativ Media GmbH, Höschgasse 45, CH-8008 Zürich


Shin Design is the creator and curator of the website (webdesigner, webmaster). He is responsible for integrating the codes for data collection purposes and is aware of the various technical details. Shin Design is also the hosting provider: the servers are located in Switzerland and are managed and constantly monitored by the company Kreativ Media, which guarantees their IT suitability. 


https security protocol, SSL certificate

The hosting server is encrypted, which is evident from the presence of a padlock near the domain name of the site in the address bar you see above (‌‌‌‌ https:// ). This protection, known as an SSL certificate, guarantees that all data circulating on the site and which may originate from it (e.g. online form) are systematically encrypted in order to prevent malicious persons from intercepting them during transit, thus guaranteeing maximum security.

Type of data collected by the website

There are technical data that are collected every time you navigate on the site. This data is anonymous in the sense that it is not possible to identify you as a person in any way. It is information related to navigation:


  • time of visit to the site
  • geographical origin by IP number
  • internet provider providing the connection
  • operating system of the device
  • previous website from which you came to ours
  • amount of data transmitted during navigation
  • pages consulted on the site
  • total visit duration


The technical data are intercepted by the hosting server and in an anonymous form draw graphs over time showing how the website is performing in relation to you, the user, who remains an unknown person.


Type of data provided directly by you users

The data collected by this website, voluntarily provided by you, through online contact forms or sent by email are stored by the Data Controller. They remain mainly within the e-mail box that receives your messages and are transferred to the computer's address book. These personal data, which may be:


  • first name and surname
  • email address
  • telephone or mobile number
  • physical address 
  • message or communication


remain stored at the Controller's discretion. This also includes the use of the contact button - Whatsapp, Telegram or Messenger - if active on the site, through which you send your personal contact.
The Data Controller may use your data for commercial purposes, i.e. informing you of services or products promoted by it. On the other hand, you, the user, will always have the option of requesting removal if you feel that no further contact will be made with the Controller. An exception to this is the case where there are existing or suspended off-site contractual agreements which entitle the Controller to retain the information for as long as deemed necessary. In any case, the Holder undertakes to keep this information and never to pass it on to third parties without the express permission of you, not even in the form of a sale. Exempted are cases such as procedures of a legal nature or by order of authorities or courts, in which the user's authorisation is irrelevant. 
You as a user are aware of this when you voluntarily provide personal data and in fact implicitly accept this.


Type of data related to external services reached voluntarily by the user

The choice of interacting with the Owner through Social channels, if active, which is manifested by the action of clicking the relevant button to open the specific Social Network, implies acceptance of the regulations imposed and managed by the channels reached. In no case may the Owner be asked to take care of the removal of your data from such channels, which on the other hand offer various tools for you to decide how your user account can be seen and reached or whether you wish to stop interacting with a company page of the Owner.

How long your personal data are kept

As stated above, they are retained for as long as necessary to process explicit requests from users, as well as the duration of any existing contractual ties. At the end of such eventualities, the data is deleted at the earliest opportunity, as the law requires, while reserving the right to retention in relation to tax and/or commercial law.


Users' rights concerning their personal data

You as a user have the right to request information about your data at any time, free of charge. You have the right to request that they be changed or deleted. You have the right to request the contact details of the owner responsible for data processing, which in this case corresponds to the owner of the website, or of the owner of third-party services. You also have the right to make this request by seeking knowledge of how your data came to be held by entities that never came into contact with you directly or at least without your explicit consent. 


How to request information on your data

You must enclose a copy of your identity card or passport, choosing between two possibilities:

  • in writing by sending it by post to the address indicated at the bottom of the site;
  • by e-mail by going to the bottom of the site.

In the case of a request for another person, we need a power of attorney or a declaration referring to the power to obtain personal data under the existing Data Protection Act.


What the user must unconditionally accept

The data that is collected when you consult the site, such as those listed above in the chapter Type of data collected by the website and which are stored in a file called a log, are indispensable for the site to open correctly and be understandable to you. This also applies to cookies, discussed a little further on. Without this data, the site would not function. You, the user, must therefore necessarily accept that this operation takes place, otherwise the only way left is simply to avoid this website.


As already explained, the navigation of you users on this website implies the awareness that you are being monitored for a whole series of information which, in an anonymous manner, helps to understand the type of user and the behaviour within the pages of the website. This is purely statistical. 
You accept this monitoring by clicking "OK" on the message advising you of this action - for which you can learn more about the dynamics by reading this section - and you accept that a cookie will be installed on your device.
Cookies are text files that read through your browser, the navigation programme in use, those statistical data of interest to the person who created them. A cookie is a read-only file, nothing more. In no way can it harm your device. It helps to make browsing the website more engaging and effective for you. There are cookies that are in fact immediately deleted from the device the moment you leave the site and physically close the browsing programme or application; there are cookies that are intended to remain on the device for the time determined beforehand by the person who created it. Finally, there is a category of cookies that must be compulsorily accepted by the user as it determines, helps the correct visualisation of the site itself, which could be compromised or even incomprehensible if these technical files were to be missing or deactivated. For this reason, these cookies are the conditio sine qua non the site can be consulted. You have the possibility to monitor all these cookies and delete them manually, if necessary, using the functionalities of the navigation software used. You also have the possibility of installing plug-ins on your device which automatically block the reading of non-essential data relating to you, effectively putting up a barrier. It is at your discretion whether you wish to make use of them.

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