

Lina Kneubühler - Wernli 


From its humble beginnings in 1933 as a stable converted into a guesthouse for workers building the roads in our picturesque village, the Boutique Hotel Elisabetta has undergone an extraordinary evolution over the years.


Marta Zucconi – Kneubühler


In 1960, a significant renovation elevated the establishment to a guesthouse, introducing a pool and a restaurant that quickly became a community gathering spot due to the excellence of its traditional dishes.

Ivana Fabbro – Zucconi 


In 1984, the hotel passed into the hands of the third generation, marking the start of significant modernizations affecting both the rooms and the restaurant. The addition of parking improved accessibility, making it an increasingly popular destination for both locals and tourists.

Sons - Luca & Cristian Fabbro


2018 marked a crucial chapter with the entry of the new generation represented by the Fabbro brothers. With a vision oriented towards innovation, they introduced gourmet cuisine, earning exceptional reviews and prestigious awards, including 14 Gault&Millau points and a mention in the Michelin Guide. 

The story continues …


2023 was a year of unexpected challenges. Starting with the professional separation of the Fabbro brothers and culminating in the devastating hailstorm of August 25, which caused severe damage to the entire structure, leading to a temporary closure. After months of intensive repair and renovation work, the hotel reopened in June 2024, presenting itself with a new look. The new management sees Luca at the helm along with his partner Stephanie, ready to inaugurate a new era of refined and welcoming hospitality.



Our mission is to exceed expectations by providing a high-quality stay and a memorable culinary experience. The recent renovation is not just a structural improvement but represents an extraordinary opportunity for extended hospitality: now the hotel operates year-round, allowing you to enjoy maximum comfort and discover the unique charm of every season.

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